3 Easy Strategies for Effective Google AdWords Retargeting
You know when you get a song stuck in your head? That’s kind of how it works with Google AdWords retargeting. With this strategy in place, users who’ve visited your website will be shown ads for your product or service as they browse the internet so your brand stays fresh in their minds. Let’s take a look at how you can make AdWords retargeting work for your business.
1. Target different groups
Rather than having a more general AdWords campaign which targets anyone who has visited your site, get specific. Tailoring your ads to different groups is a far more effective strategy and can lead to more clicks to your website. For example, for visitors who have made a purchase from your website, you could think about targeting them with ads showing complimentary products. For visitors who abandoned their shopping carts, you could offer a discount code to entice them back while for visitors who clicked out, you could showcase your most popular products. The point is, your ads should be targeted towards different groups for maximum results.
2. Get the frequency right
You need to get the balance right when it comes to how frequently your ads will show up for a user. It’s true that you need your ad to pop up frequently enough that your business will be remembered - however, more is not better and people will start to get irritated if they get too much of a stalker vibe from your ads. Make sure you use your frequency capping function on AdWords so you can limit how frequently your ads show up each day, week or month. You also need to think about how long you want your ads to be showing up for users. You don’t want to waste needless money following visitors around for months when you get the best results in the first few weeks. The right frequency depends entirely on your business and the best way to find the right balance for you is to test varying frequencies.
3. Take care with your ad
It’s easy to get caught up with the numerous options you have on AdWords to refine your remarketing campaign but don’t forget that the ad itself needs to be attractive or it won’t do its job. Take the time to create ads which are visually appealing and that reflect the look of your website. Keep your copy clear and to the point, making sure that any incentives that you’re offering are given prominent placing. Don’t forget to include a clear call to action button which users can press to be taken directly to your website.
If you’re ready to start kicking goals with your retargeting advertising, the team at Dilate Digital can help. With our retargeting strategies, we can help make your business stick in the minds of your customers so they return to your website time and time again. We’re ready to grow your business!
For help with AdWords remarketing, speak to the digital wizards at Dilate Digital today on 1300 345 283.
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