Seven Ways Web Design can Elevate your Perth Business

By Bodie Czeladka in Dilate Digital on Oct 22, 2018

If you have a business in Perth then you probably have a website to help promote your business, and if you don’t, you definitely should. Whether you’re a small scale startup, solopreneur, service provider or major corporation, a website is an essential aspect of gaining visibility, growth and increasing profit. Beware though, if your current website is an incomprehensible mess of mismatched colours, spelling mistakes, impossible navigation and page speed akin to a 1996 dial up setting, then it might as well not exist. In fact it may be doing more harm than good. This is why having well planned and thoughtful web design is the most crucial way to elevate your Perth business.

Most business owners know that you need to have a website to represent your brand, and it’s become so simple that every man and his dog have their own website these days. The competition to be noticed has never been so large, so having awesome web design and standing out in the crowd has never been more crucial. How can web designers really elevate your business and grow your brand awareness? Here are 10 ways web design helps you create a website that converts.


Lots of people underestimate the importance of clever, and practical website Navigation but web designers don’t. Website Navigation refers to all the internal links on your site that form the main website menu, footer menu, and internal linking between pages. Good navigation gives customers a curated user experience of your site that leads them exactly where you want them to end up - at the checkout with credit card details in hand. A poorly thought out navigation journey on your website is like going to the grocery store to get milk and for some reason they’ve put it in the pet food aisle - senseless and unhelpful. The difference is the person in the grocery store has already made the effort to leave their house and buy the product so they’re not leaving without it. Whereas you only get one chance, and it expires in about 30 seconds, so it better be a well mapped journey, and it better lead them to that damn metaphorical milk. Navigation. It’s important, don’t forget it.

Brand Awareness:

Web design is at the forefront of brand delivery, of telling a story worth listening to. It’s consistent, it gains trust, it’s reliable. Good web design will deliver your brand message, again and again and again. It teaches customers who you are, and how to recognise you. Bad brand curation is like an online game of chinese whispers - every page the story is altered ever so slightly - a minimal change in colour here, a font change there, and before you know it the brand story has entirely changed. From the fonts you use, to the colour scheme, tonality, logos, your call to action, images, you name it - good web design will solidify it. What do you think of when you think of Nike? Right now I can Guarantee you’re thinking of the words “Just Do it”, or the Nike tick, or Air Max. That’s brand uniformity, that’s what sets them apart - that’s what keeps their customers coming back. And it’s everywhere, in their stores, their EDMS, their social media and most definitely in their website design

User Experience:

User experience design is all about enhancing your customers interaction with your page. Web design done well will create awesome, accessible and pleasurable user experience. Good user experience can refer to everything from logical and easy navigation, relatable images, eye catching content, effortless check out, practical sales funnels, accessible information, and the list goes on. But what user experience also indirectly affects is your websites conversion rate, time on page, bounce rate, return customers, and S.E.O ranking. So to say User Experience is important would be an understatement. If this alone were the only benefit you would get from hiring a web designer, it would still be worth the investment


We talk about it a lot, I know. It’s because it’s our job and we’re passionate. But believe it or not, Web Designers will also optimise your search engine ranking. Aside from the fact that your navigation, storytelling, and user experience organically increases your SEO due to return customers and credibility, S.E.O implement a multitude of other optimised ranking features such as keyword targeted headings, alt tags, load time, security, and even domain names.

Content & Visual:

You’ve heard this a million times before, and for good reason. Good content & great visuals are a sure fire way to keep customers interested, telling their friends, and investing in your business. Web design keeps it concise, organised, interactive and unforgettable.

Page Speed.

We’ve mentioned it briefly, but we’ll say it again - Load Time. An essential factor in determining where google ranks you in the big S.E.O queue. Fast page speed makes users happy, it makes them stay on your site for longer, it keeps them interested. coming back for more, and eventually buying from you. Web designer service providers in Perth, like us, know this all too well, they optimise your site, avoid heavy images, remove unnecessary plugins and add others that increase your speed. They’ve got their finger on the Google pulse, and they understand how to make sure your website is beating to the same rhythm.

Managing Customer Expectations & Gaining Trust. :

Lastly, web design is one of the most easy ways to gain trust and maintain expectations. Customers are picky, their choices are endless, their time is limited and their attention is in 5 places at once. Web design incorporates all of the above factors plus so much more to ensure your website is fully optimised for user friendly experience. So that your business can be discovered, and make conversions. It may cost more than you’d like, but it will bring you more profit too. Always remember that the juices are worth the squeeze.

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Bodie Czeladka

Hi I am Bodie Czeladka, surfer and devoted dad from Perth Western Australia and founder of Dilate Digital. I crafted Dilate Digital from a home theatre room in 2012 and worked solo as a freelancer until hiring my first staff member in early 2014. Dilate Digital now has the privilege of employing over 50 superstars world wide and this is just the start. I believe the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve.

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